Rasa bheda vikalpa Adhyaya – Different combinations of the (six) different Rasa – Sushrutasamhita Uttaratantra Chapter 63

त्रिषष्टितमोऽध्यायः अथातो रसभेदविकल्पमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः, यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ॥ १ ॥

Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the different combinations of the (six) different Rasa (Rasa-bheda-vikalpa Adhyaya). 1

दोषाणां पञ्चदशधा प्रसरोऽभिहितस्तु यः । त्रिषष्ट्या रसभेदानां तत्प्रयोजनमुच्यते ॥ २ ॥ अविदग्धा विदग्धाश्च भिद्यन्ते ते त्रिषष्टिधा | रसभेदत्रिषष्टिन्तु वीक्ष्य वीक्ष्यावचारयेत् ॥ ३ ॥ एकैकेनानुगमनं भागशो यदुदीरितम् । दोषाणां तत्र मतिमान् त्रिषष्टिन्तु प्रयोजयेत् ॥ ४ ॥

The fifteen different combinations of the Dosas already spoken of (in chapter XXI, Sutra-Sthana) are meant only for the sixty-three different combinations of the (six) Rasas (taken one, two, three, four, five or all at a time). They (viz, the different Dosas) may be manifested separately (Avidagdha) or combinedly (Vidagdha) with one another and the number of their combinations should be taken to be sixty-three Pari passu with the sixty three different combinations of the (six) different Rasas. In other words, the combinations of the (six) different Rasas. In other words, the combinations of the Dosas with one another already spoken of should be considered by an intelligent person to be sixty-three in all ( and not fifteen only, as spoken of in Chapter XXI, Sutra Sthana). 2-5.

यथाक्रम प्रवृत्तानां द्विकेषु मधुरो रसः । पञ्चानुक्रमते योगानम्लश्चतुर त्रींश्चानुगच्छति रसो लवणः कटुको द्वयम् । तिक्तः कषायमन्वेति ते द्विकादशपञ्च च ॥ ६ ॥ एव तु ॥ ५ ॥

Six Rasas presented in respective order are Madhur, Amla, Lavana, Katu, Tikta and Kasaya. Combinations of two Rasas with Madhur Rasa in respective order are 5. Combinations of two Rasas with Amla in respective order are 4. Combinatious of two Rasas with Lavana Rasa in respective order are 3. In the similar manuer combinations of two Rasas with Katu Rasa are 2 and with Tikta one. Thus total number of combinations of two Rasas are 15.5-6.

” – तद्यथा- मधुराम्लः मधुरलवणः मधुरकटुक, मधुरतिक्तः, मधुरकषायः – एते पञ्चानुकान्ता मधुरेण । अम्ललवणः, अम्लकटुकः, अम्लतिक्तः, अम्लकषायः, – एते चत्वारोऽनुक्रान्ता अम्लेन । लवणकटुकः, लवणतिक्तः, लवणकषायः; – एते त्रयोऽनुकान्ता लवणेन । कटुतिक्तः, कटुकषायः – द्वावेतावनुक्रान्तौ कटुकेन । तिक्तकषायः – एक एवानुक्रान्तस्तिक्तेन; एवमेते पञ्चदश द्विकसंयोगा व्याख्याताः ॥ ७ ॥

Enumeration- taken two at a time- The Madhura Rasa (sweet taste) coming first in the order of enumeration has got five combinations (with the other five Rasas) taken two at a time. Similarly Amla Rasa (acid taste) has got four combination and Lavana Rasa ( saline taste ) has got three. Katuka Rasa (pungent taste ) has got two and Tikta Rasa (bitter taste) has got only one with Kasaya Rasa (astringent taste). The different combinations taken two at a time are thus fifteen in all. They are as follows

(1) Sweet and acid, (2) sweet and saline, (3) sweet and pungent (4) sweet and bitter and (5) sweet and astringent-these are the five combinations of Madhura (sweet) Rasa. (1) Acid and saline, (2) Acid and pungent (3) Acid and bitter, and (4) Acid and astringent – these are the four combinaions of Amla (acid) Rasa. (1) Saline and pungent, (2) Saline and bitter and (3) Saline and astringent — these are the three combinations of Lavana (saline) Rasa. (1) Pungent and bitter, and (2) Pungent and astringent- these are the two combinations of Katuka (pungent) Rasa. Bitter and Astrigent is the only combination of Tikta (bitter ) Rasa. Thus the fifteen different combinations (of the six Rasas ) taken two at a time have been enumerated. Now we shall speak of their combinations taken three at a time. 4-7.

त्रिकान् वक्ष्यामः – आदौ प्रयुज्यमानस्तु मधुरो दश गच्छति ।

षडम्लो लवणस्तस्मादर्धन्त्वेकं रसः कटुः ॥ ८ ॥ मधुराम्ललवणः, मधुराम्लकटुकः मधुराम्लतिक्तः, मधुराम्लकषायः, मधुरलवणकटुकःमधुरलवणतिक्तः मधुरलवणकषायः, मधुरकटुकतिक्तः, मधुरकटुककषायः, मधुरतिक्तकषायः, एवमेषां त्रिकसंयोगानां दशानामादौ मधुरः प्रयुज्यते । अम्ललवणकटुकः, अम्ललवणतिक्तः, अम्ललवणकषायः, अम्लकटुतिक्तः, अम्लकटुकषायः, अम्लतिक्तकषायः; – एवमेषां षण्णामादावम्लः प्रयुज्यते । लवणकटुतिक्तः, लवणकटुकषायः लवणतिक्तकषाय: – एवमेषां त्रयाणामादौ लवणः प्रयुज्यते । कटुतिक्तकषायः – एवमेकस्यादौ कटुकः प्रयुज्यते । एवमेते त्रिकसंयोगा विंशतिर्व्या- ख्याताः ॥ ९ ॥

Taken three at a time – The Madhura Rasa (sweet taste) coming first in the list has got ten combinations (with the other Rasas taken three at a time). Similarly Amla Rasa (acid taste) has got six; Lavana Rasa (saline taste) has got half that number i.e. three; and Katuka Rasa (pungent taste) has got only one combination. They are as follows : – -(1) Sweet, acid and saline, (2) Sweet, acid and pungent, (3) Sweet, acid and bitter, (4) Sweet, acid and astringent, (5) Sweet, saline and pungent, (6) Sweet, saline and bitter, (7) Sweet, saline and astringent, (8) Sweet, pungent and bitter, (9) Sweet, pungent and astringent, and (10) Sweet, bitter and astringent- these are the ten combinations of the Rasas taken three at a time and beginning with Madhura (sweet ) Rasa. (1) Acid, saline and pungent, (4) Acid, pungent and bitter, (5) Acid, pungent and astringent, and (6) Acid, bitter and astringent—these are the six combinations ( taken three at a time and ) beginning with Amla (acid) taste. (1) Saline, pungent and bitter, (2) Saline, pungent and astringent and (3) Saline, bitter, and astringentthese are the three combinations (taken three at a time) beginning with Lavana (saline) taste. (1) Pungent, bitter and astringent combination (taken three at a time and) beginning with Katuka (pungent) taste. Thus the twenty different combinations (of the six Rasas) taken three at a time have been explained. Now we shall speak of their combinations taken four at a time. 8-9.

चतुष्कान् वक्ष्यामः – चतुष्करससंयोगान् मधुरो दश गच्छति । मधुराम्ललवणकटुकः, कषायः, मधुराम्लकटुकतिक्तः, चतुरोऽम्लस्तु गच्छेच्च लवणस्त्वेकमेव तु ॥ १० ॥ मधुराम्ललवणतिक्तः, मधुराम्ललवणमधुराम्लकटुककषायः मधुराम्लतिक्तकषायः, मधुरलवणकटुकतिक्तः, मधुरलवणकटुकषायः, मधुरलवणतिक्तकषायः, मधुरकटुतिक्तकषायः, एवमेषां दशानामादौ मधुरः प्रयुज्यते । अम्ललवणकटुतिक्तः, अम्ललवणकटुकषायः अम्ललवणतिक्तकषायः, अम्लकटुतिक्तकषायः, – एवमेषां चतुर्णामादावम्लः प्रयुज्यते । लवणकटुतिक्तकषायः, – एवमेकस्यादौ लवणः प्रयुज्यते । एवमेते चतुष्करससंयोगाः पञ्चदश कीर्तिताः ॥ ११ ॥

Taken four at a time — The Madhura (sweet ) Rasa has got ten different combinations of four at a time. Similarly Amla (acid) Rasa has got four, and Lavana (saline, Rasa only one. They are as follows (1) Sweet, acid, saline and pungent, (2) Sweet, acid, saline and bitter, (3) Sweet, acid, saline and astringent, (4) Sweet, acid, pungent and bitter (5) Sweet, acid, pungent and astringent, (6) Sweet, saline, pungent and bitter, (7) Sweet, acid, bitter and astringent, (8) Sweet, saline, pungent and astringent, (9) Sweet, saline, pungent and astringent, and (10) Sweet, pungent, bitter and astringent – these are the ten combinations (taken four at a time and) beginning with Madhura (sweet ) Rasa. (1) Acid, saline, pungent and bitter, ( 2 ) Acid, saline, bitter and astringent, (3) Acid, pungent, bitter and astringent, and (4) Acid, saline, pungent and astringent – these are the four combinations beginning with Amla (acid taste. (1) Saline, pungent, bitter and astringent- this is the only one combination beginning with Lavana ( saline ) taste. Thus the fifteen different combinations ( of the six Rasa) taken four at a time have been enumerated. Now we shall speak of their combinations taken five at a time. 10-11.

पञ्चकान् वक्ष्यामः – पञ्चकान् पञ्च मधुर एकमम्लस्तु गच्छति ॥ १२ ॥ मधुराम्ललवणकटुतिक्तः, मधुराम्ललवणकटुकषाय:, मधुराम्लमधुराम्लकटुतिक्तकषायः मधुरलवणकटुतिक्तलवणतिक्तकषायः, कषायः, एवमेषां पञ्चानां पञ्चकरससंयोगानामादौ मधुरः प्रयुज्यते । अम्ललवणकटुतिक्त कषायः, – एवमेकस्यादावम्लः प्रयुज्यते । एवमेते षट् पञ्चकरससंयोगा व्याख्याताः ॥ १३ ॥

Taken five at a time — There would be five combinations (of the six Rasa) taken five at a time and beginning with the Madhura (sweet) Rasa, and only one with Amla (acid) Rasa. They are as follows— (1) Sweet, acid, saline, pungent and bitter, (2) Sweet, acid, saline, pungent and astringent, (3) Sweet, acid, saline, bitter and astringent, (4) Sweet, acid, pungent, bitter and astringent and (5) Sweet, saline, pungent, bitter and astringent, and (6) Acid, saline, pungent, bitter and astringent- is the only one combination of the kind beginning with Amla (acid) Rasa. Thus the six combinations taken five at a time have been enumerated. Now we shall speak of their combination with ( all the) six at a time. 12-13

षट्कमेकं वक्ष्यामः – एकस्तु षट्कसंयोगः । मधुराम्ललवणकटुतिक्तकषाय: – एष एक एव षट्संयोगः ॥ १४ ॥

The combinaiton ( of the six Rasas) taken ( all the ) six at a time is only one. The only combination of this kind is (1) Sweet, acid, saline, pungent, bitter and astringent. 14.

एकैकश्च षडूरसा भवन्ति । मधुरोऽम्लो लवणः कटुकस्तिक्तः कषाय इति ॥ १५ ॥

Separately taken one at a time, the six Rasas will be – ( 1 ) Madhura (sweet ), (2) Amla (acid), (3) Lavana ( saline), (4) Katuka (pungent), (5) Tikta ( bitter, and (6) Kasaya (astringent). 15.

भवति चात्र ।

एषा त्रिषष्टिर्व्याख्याता रसानुरसचिन्तकैः ।

दोषभेदत्रिषष्ट्यान्तु प्रयोक्तव्या विचक्षणैः ॥ १६ ॥

Memorable Verse- Sixty-three combinations of the six different Rasas have been enumerated by the experts on Rasa and these sixty-three combinations should be prescribed by experienced physicians with due regard to (the aggravation or diminution of one or more of) the (three) different Dosas. 16

इति सुश्रुत संहितायामुत्तरतन्त्रे रसभेदविकल्पोनामत्रिषष्टितमोऽध्यायः ॥ ६३ ॥

Thus ends the sixty-third chapter of the Uttara-Tantra in the Susruta Samhita which deals with the different combinations of the (six) different Rasas.


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