Naigamesa Pratisedha – Sushrutasamhita Uttaratantra Chapter 36

अथातो नैगमेषप्रतिषेधं व्याख्यास्यामः, यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ॥ १ ॥

Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the medical treatment of ( an attack by ) Naigamesa ( Naigamesa Pratisedha ). 1

बिल्वाग्निमन्थपूतीकाः कार्याः स्युः परिषेचने । सुरा सबीजं धान्याम्लं परिषेके च शस्यते ॥ २ ॥

प्रियङ्गुसरलानन्ता-शतपुष्पाकुटन्नटैः । पचेत् तैलं सगोमूत्रैर्दधिमस्तत्वम्लकाञ्जिकैः ॥ ३ ॥

पञ्चमूलद्वयक्वाथे क्षीरे मधुरकेषु च। पचेद् घृतञ्च मेधावी खर्जूरीमस्तकेऽपि वा ॥ ४॥

The decoction of Bilva, Agnimantha and Putika should be in sprinkling (the body of the possessed child) and sprinkling wih Sauvira and Dhanyamla (Kanjika) is also advisable in such casesmedicated oil should be duly cooked with Priyangu, Sarala, Sata-puspa and Kutannata and with cow’s urine, the liquid of the curd (Dadhi-mastu) and Kanjika. Medicated Ghritas should be prepared with the drugs of the Madhura group as Kalka, with decoction of the Dasamula and with milk or with the head of a palm tree. 2-4.

वचां वयःस्थां गोलोमीं जटिलां वापि धारयेत् । उत्सादनं हितञ्चात्र स्कन्दापस्मारनाशनम् ॥ ५ ॥

सिद्धार्थकवचाहिङ्गु – कुष्ठञ्चैवाक्षतैः सह । भल्लातकाजमोदाश्च हितमुद्धूपनं शिशोः ॥६॥

मर्कटोलूकगृध्राणां पुरीषाणि नवग्रहे । धूपः सुप्ते जने कार्यो बालस्य हितमिच्छता ॥ ७ ॥

The child should be made to wear Vaca, Vayastha, Golomi and jatila as a charm and the utasadana measures recommended in the treatment of Skandapasmara should be used in this case also. Siddarthaka (white mustard), Vaca, Hingu, Kustha, parched rich, Bhallataka and Ajamoda should be used in fumigating the body of the child. In case of attacks by Navagraha the dungs of a monkey, and owl and a vulture should also be used by persons wishing the good of the child for a fumigating purpose and that should be done at the night when all persons are asleep. 5-7.

तिलतण्डुलकं माल्यं भक्ष्यांश्च विविधानपि । कुमारपितृमेषाय वृक्षमूले निवेदयेत् ॥ ८ ॥

अधस्ताद् वटवृक्षस्य स्नपनञ्चोपदिश्यते । बलिं न्यग्रोधवृक्षेषु तिथौ षष्ठ्यां निवेदयेत्ः ।

अजाननश्चलाक्षिभ्रूः कामरूपी महायशाः । बालं पालयिता देवो नैगमेषोऽभिरक्षतु ॥ ९ ॥

Offerings of huskless sesamum, garlands of flowers and various dishes should be made to the deity Naigamesa (the preserver of the child) at the foot of a Vata tree on the sixth day of the fortnight and the child should be bathed there at the foot of the tree.

The Mantra runs as follows — “May the far-famed god, Naigamesa, the preserver of children, who has a goat’s face with moving brow and rolling eyes and who can assume different forms at will, preserve the child.” 8-9.

इति सश्रुत-संहितायामुत्तरतन्त्रे नैगमेषप्रतिषेधो व्याख्यानाम षट्त्रिंशोऽध्यायः ॥ ३६॥

Thus ends the thirty-sixth chapter of the Uttara-Tantra in the Susruta Samhita which deals with the medical treatment of (an attack by) Naigamesa.


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