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ashtanga hridayaBALAMAYA PRATISEDHA - Treatment of diseases of children - Ashtang Hridaya Chapter...

BALAMAYA PRATISEDHA – Treatment of diseases of children – Ashtang Hridaya Chapter – 2

अथातो बालामयप्रतिषेधं व्याख्यास्यामः ।

इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षयः ॥

We shall now expound the chapter-Balamaya pratisedha-treatment of diseases of children; thus said Atreya and other great sages.

Trividha balaka – Three kinds of children

त्रिविध: कथितो बालः क्षीरान्नोभयवर्तनः । स्वस्थ्यं ताभ्यामदुष्टाभ्यां दुष्टाभ्यां रोगसम्भवः ॥ १ ॥

Children are said to be of three kinds, viz. ksira vartana (drinking milk only), anna vartana ( eating solid food) and ubhaya vartana (consuming both).

Their health depends when these (milk and solid food) are unvitiated, whereas diseases develop when these are vitiated. 1.

Adusta and dusta stanya laksana – properties of unvitiated and vitiated breast-milk

यदद्भिरेकतां याति न च दोषैरधिष्ठितम् । तद्विशुद्धं पयो वातादृष्टं तु पल्वतेऽम्भसि ॥ २ ॥

कषायं फेनिलं रूक्षं वर्चोमूत्रविबन्धकृत् । पित्तादुष्णाम्लकटुकं पीतराज्यप्सु दाहकृत् ॥ ३ ॥

कफात्सलवणं सान्द्रं जले मज्जति पिच्छिलम् । संसृष्टलिङ्गं संसर्गात्त्रिलिङ्गं सान्निपातिकम् ॥ ४ ॥

यथास्वलिङ्गास्तद्व्याधीन् जनयत्युपयोजितम् ।

That which becomes homogeneous (mixes evenly) with water and which has no signs of presence of the dosas-is the pure (unvitiated) breast-milk.

That vitiated by vata, floats on water, is astringent, frothy, dry (non-unctuous) and causes obstruction to the faeces and urine. That vitiated by pitta, is hot, sour, pungent produces yellow coloured lines in water and gives rise to burnning sensation (in the alimentary tract of the child); that vitiated by kapha is slightly salty, thick sinks in water and slimy. Featrues of two and three dosas will be found together when it is vitiated by two and three dosas simultaneously.

Milk possessing the features of the dosas, when consumed gives rise to diseases arising from the corresponding dosa (or dosas) vitiating the milk. 2-5a.

Ruk nirnaya – deciding the pain

शिशोस्तीक्ष्णमभीक्ष्णं च रोदनाल्लक्षयोद्रुजम् ॥ ५॥

तत्र विद्याद्रुजं मूर्ध्नि रुजं चाक्षिनिमीलनात् ॥ ६ ॥

हृदि जिह्वौष्ठदशनश्वासमुष्टिनिपीडनैः । कोष्ठे विबन्धवमथुस्तनदंशान्त्रकूजनैः ॥७॥

आध्मानपृष्ठनमनजठरोन्नमनैरपि बस्तौ गुह्ये च विण्मूत्रसङ्गोत्त्रासदिगीक्षणैः ॥ ८॥

Pain in children should be understood by sudden and repeated crying.

The part of body which the child touches hard (and often) and does not allow to be touched by others (tenderness) is to be understood as having pain.

Pain in the head should be understood by the closing of the eyelids; pain in the area of the heart (chest) by biting of the tongue and lips, dyspnoea and clenching of the fist; pain in the abdomen by constipation, vomitting, biting of the breast, intestinal gurglings and also by flatulence, bending the back, and elevating the abdomen; pain in the urinary bladder and genitals by obstruction to elimination of the faeces and urine and frieghtened look. 5b-8.

Dhatri cikitsa – treatment to the mother

अथ धात्र्याः क्रियां कुर्याद्यथादोषं यथामयम् ।

The mother should then be treated, appropriate to the dosa and the diseases ( found in the child). 9a.

Stanyadusti chikitsa – treatment of vitiated breast-milk

तत्र वातात्मके स्तन्ये दशमूलं त्र्यहं पिबेत् ॥ ९ ॥

अथवाऽग्निवचापाठाकटुकाकुष्ठदीप्यकम् सभार्गीदारुसरलवृश्चिकालीकणोषणम् ततः पिबेदन्यतमं वातव्याधिहरं घृतम् ।

अनु चाच्छसुरामेवं स्निग्धां मृदु विरेचयेत् ॥ ११ ॥

बस्तिकर्म ततः कुर्यात्स्वेदादींश्चानिलापहान् । रास्त्राजमोदासरलदेवदारुरजोन्वितम् ॥१२॥

बालो लिह्याद् घृतं तैर्वा विपक्कं ससितोपलम् ।

When the breast-milk is vitiated by vata, the mother should drink ( the decoction of ) dasamula for three days, or (the decoction of ) agni, vaca, patha, katuka, kustha, dipyaka, bharngi, daru, sarala, vrscikali, kana and usana. Next she should drink any other medicated ghee which mitigates vata, followed by scum of sura; after being oleated in this way, a mild purgative should be administered, followed by enema and sudation therapy etc. which (should be given) mitigate vata.

Powder of rasna, ajamoda, sarala, and devadaru mixed with ghee should be given to lick or ghee prepared with these drugs should be given to lick mixed with sitopala 9b-13a. (sugar candy).

पित्तदुष्टेऽमृताभीरुपटोलीनिम्बचन्दनम् धात्री कुमारश्च पिबेत् क्वाथयित्वा ससारिवम् ।

अथवा त्रिफलामुस्तभूनिम्बकटुरोहिणीः ॥ १४ ॥

सारिवादिं पटोलादिं पद्मकादिं तथा गणम् । घृतान्येभिश्च सिद्धानि पित्तघ्नं च विरेचनम् ॥ १५ ॥

शीतांश्चाभ्यङ्गलेपादीन् युञ्ज्यात् ॥ १३॥

When the breast-milk is vitiated by pitta, both the mother and child, should drink the decoction of amrta,abhiru, patoli, nimba, candana and sariva, or decoction of triphala, musta, bhunimba, and katurohini; or of drugs of sarivadi, patoladi, or padmakadigana ( vide chapter 15 of sutrasthana). Medicated ghee prepared with the above (group of) drugs can be used; purgatives which mitigate pitta, massaging and application of pastes the body which are coolant should be done. 13b-16a.

श्लेष्मात्मके पुनः । यष्ट्याह्वसैन्धवयुतं कुमारं पाययेद् घृतम् ॥ १६ ॥

सिन्धूत्थपिप्पलीमद्वा, पिष्टैः क्षौद्रयुतैरथ | राठपुष्पैः स्तनौ लिम्पेच्छिशोश्च दशनच्छदौ ॥ १७ ॥

सुखमेवं वमेद्वालः तीक्ष्णैर्धात्रीं तु वामयेत् । अथाचरितसंसर्गी मुस्तादिं क्वथितं पिबेत् ॥ १८ ॥

तद्वत्तगरपृथ्वीकासुरदारुकलिङ्गकान् अथवाऽतिविषामुस्तषड्ग्रन्थापञ्चकोलकम् ॥ १९ ॥ ।

When it is vitiated by slesma (kapha) the child should be given to lick, ghee mixed with the powder of yastyahva and saindhava or of saindhava and pippali, the paste of flowers of ratha (madanaphala) made with honey, should be applied on the breast of the mother and lips of the child; by this, the child will get easy vomitting; the mother should be made to vomit by using strong drugs. After emesis and regimen of diet, she should drink the decoction of drugs of mustadi gana ( vide chapter 15 of sutrasthana) or of tagara, prthvika, suradaru, and kalingaka or of ativisa, musta sadgrantha, and pancakola. 16b-19.


स्तन्ये त्रिदोषमलिने दुर्गन्ध्यामं जलोपमम | विबद्धमच्छं विच्छिन्नं फेनिलं चोपवेश्यते ॥ २० ॥

शकृन्नानाव्यथावर्णं, मूत्रं पीतं सितं घनम् । ज्वरारोचकतृछर्दिशुष्कोद्गारविजृम्भिकाः अङ्गभङ्गोऽङ्गविक्षेपः कूजनं वेपथुर्भ्रमः

घ्राणाक्षिमुखपाकाद्या जायन्तेऽन्येऽपि तं गदम् ॥ २२ ॥

क्षीरालसकमित्याहुरत्ययं चातिदारुणम् । ॥२१॥ तत्राशु धात्रीं बालं च वमनेनोपपादयेत् ॥ २३ ॥

विहितायां च संसर्ग्या वचादिं योजयेद्गणम् । निशादिं वाऽथवा माद्रीपाठातिक्ताघनामयान् ॥ २४ ॥ पाठाशुण्ठ्यमृतातिक्ततिक्तादेवाह्वसारिवाः स्तन्यदोषहराः समुस्तमूर्वेन्द्रयवाः परम् ॥ २५ ॥

अनुबन्धे यथाव्याधि प्रतिकुर्वीत कालवित् ।

The breast-milk vitiated by the three dosas (increasing together) has bad smell, uncooked (not properly processed by the heat of the body) and resembles water; by drinking it, the child eliminates faeces which is hard, thin broken, frothy of many colours, accompanied with many kinds of discomfort/pain; the urine is yellow, white and thick; fever, loss of taste/appetite, thirst, vomitting, dry belchings, too much of yawnings, turning and twisting of the body parts, moaning, shivering, giddiness, ulceration of the nose, eyes and mouth etc. develop. This disease is called as ksiralasaka and is very dreadfull and difficult to cure.

In this disease both the mother and child should be treated with vamana (emesis therapy ) immediately, suitable samsarjana (liquid diet) processed with drugs of either vacadi gana, nisadi gana ( chapter 15 of sutrasthana) or with madri, patha, tikta, ghana and amaya, should be consumed.

Patha, sunthi, amrta, tikta devahvaya sariva, musta, murva, and indrayava-these drugs are best to remove the vitiations of breas-milk.

Other accompanying disease should be treated at the proper time.

Dantodbheda roga – diseases due to eruption of teeth

दन्तोद्भेदश्च रोगाणां सर्वेषामपि कारणम् ॥ २६ ॥

विशेषाज्जवरविड्भेदकासच्छर्दिशिरोरुजाम् । अभिष्यन्दस्य पोथक्या विसर्पस्य च जायते ॥ २७ ॥

पृष्ठभङ्गे विडालानां बर्हिणां च शिखोद्गमे । दन्तोद्भेदे च बालानां न हि किञ्चिन्न दूयते ॥ २८ ॥

यथादोषं यथारोगं यथोद्रेकं यथाभयम्। विभज्य देशकालादींस्तत्र योज्यं भिषग्जितम् ॥ २९ ॥

Even the eruption of the teeth is also a cause for all the disease (in children) especially so for disease such as fever, diarrhoea, cough, vomitting, headache, abhisyanda (conjunctivitis) pothaki (pustule on the eyelid/stye) and visarpa (herpes).

During the period of bending of the back (straightening of the vertebral column) in cats, (kitten), appearance of the crown in (young) pracocks and eruptions of teeth in the children, no part of the body is without pain. (every part is having some discomfort or disorder).

Treatment for these should be done appropriate to the dosa (which has increased), roga (primary or secondary, severe or mild etc.), udreka (predominant dosa among the increased dosas or predominant diseases among many diseases present) after determining the nature of the habitat, 26b-29. season etc.

Bala roga cikitsa – principles of treatment of diseases of children

त एव दोषा दूष्याश्च ज्वराद्या व्याधयश्च यत् । अतस्तदेव भैषज्यं मात्रा त्वस्य कनीयसी ॥ ३० ॥ सौकुमार्याल्पकायत्वात् सर्वान्नानुपसेवनात् ।

The dosas, dusyas, diseases such as fever etc. and methods of treatment are the same (in both the children and adults) whereas the dose (of medicines and of therapies) are the minimum for children since they are of tender and small (physical) body and not indulging in all kinds of food.

स्निग्धा एव सदा बाला घृतक्षीरनिषेवणात् ॥ ३१ ॥ सद्यस्तान् वमनं तस्मात् पाययेन्मतिमान् मृदु ।

Children are always unctuous since they consume ghee and milk only. Hence the wise physician can give them mild emetics (drugs producing vomitting) straight away (without giving oleation therapy). 31b-32a.

स्तन्यस्य तृप्तं वमयेत् क्षीरक्षीरान्नसेविनम् ॥ ३२ ॥ पीतवन्तं तनुं पेयामन्नादं घृतसंयुताम् ।

बस्ति साध्ये विरेकेण, मर्शेन प्रतिमर्शनम् ॥ ३३ ॥ युञ्ञ्ज्याद्विरेचनादींस्तु धात्र्या एव यथोदितान् ।

Child subsisting on milk only that subsisting on milk and solid food should be made to vomit after making them content with breast-milk (feeding them to their satisfaction). The child who is subsisting on solid food, after making him drink thin peya (gruel) added with ghee (to his satisfaction).

Enema should be given (for children) in diseases which require purgative therapy for their cure; pratimarsa (nasal therapy) in diseases which require marsa nasal therapies, purgation and others (therapies) indicated should be administered only to the mother. 32b-34a.

॥३४॥ मूर्वाव्योषवराकोलजम्बूत्वक्दारुसर्षपाः सपाठा मधुना लीढा: स्तन्यदोषहरा परम् ।

दन्तपालीं समधुना चूर्णेन प्रतिसारयेत् ॥ ३५ ॥

पिप्पल्या धातकीपुष्पधात्रीफलकृतेन वा । लावतित्तिरिवल्लूररजः पुष्परसद्रुतम् ॥३६॥

द्रुतं करोति बालानां दन्तकेसरवन्मुखम् । वचाद्विबृहतीपाठाकटुकातिविषाघनैः ॥३७॥ मधुरैश्च घृतं सिद्धं सिद्धं दशनजन्मनि ।

(powder of) murva, vyosa vara, kola bark of jambu, daru, sarsapa and patha licked with honey cures diseases caused by vitiated breast-milk effectively.

The ear lobe of the child should be smeared with the powder of pippali mixed with honey or with the powder of flowers of dhataki and juice of fruits of dhatri.

Powder of dried meat of lava (common quail) and tittiri (black partridge) mixed with pusparasa (honey) and applied makes the face of the child resemble the stamen of a lotus flower (light red in colour) very soon.

Medicated ghee prepared with vaca, the two brhati, patha, katuka, ativisa, ghana, and madhura (sugar, milk, honey) is effecient for providing good eruption of teeth. 34b-38a.

रजनीदारुसरलश्रेयसीबृहतीद्वयम् ॥ ३८ ॥

पृश्रिपर्णी शताहा च लीढं माक्षिकसर्पिषा । ग्रहणीदीपनं श्रेष्ठं मारुतस्यानुलोमनम् ॥३९॥

अतीसारज्वरश्वासकामलापाण्डुकासनुत् बालस्य सर्वरोगेषु पूजितं बलवर्णदम् ॥ ४० ॥

Powder of rajani, daru, sarala, sreyasi, the two brhati, prsniparni, and satahva licked with honey and ghee is best for stimulating the duodenum, causing downward movement of maruta (vata); cures diarrhoea, fever, dyspnoea, jaundice, anaemia, and cough; reputed remedy in all the diseases of children and confers strength and colour (complexion). 38b-40.

समङ्गाधातकीरोध्रकुटन्नटबलाद्वयैः ॥ ४१ ॥

महासहाक्षुद्रसहामुद्गबिल्वशलाटुभिः सकार्षासीफलैस्तोये साधितैः साधितं घृतम् ।

क्षीरमस्तुयुतं हन्ति शीघ्रं दन्तोद्भवोद्भवान् ॥ ४२ ॥ विविधानामयानेतद्वृद्धकाश्यपनिर्मितम् ।

Medicated ghee prepared with the decoction of samanga, dhataki, rodhra, kutunnata, the two bala, mahasaha, ksudrasaha, mudga, tender fruit of bilva and fruits of karpasi, added with milk and mastu (water of curds ) cures quickly all the diseases arising from eruption of teeth. This was formulated by Vrddha kasyapa. 41-43a.

दन्तोद्भवेषु रोगेषु न बालमतियन्त्रयेत् ॥ ४३ ॥ स्वयमप्युपशाम्यन्ति ज्ञातदन्तस्य यद्गदाः ।

In diseases caused by the eruption of teeth the child should not be restrained too much (regarding food and other activities) diseases caused by eruption of teeth subside even by their own accord after the teeth erupt. 43b-44a.

Bala sosa

अत्यहःस्वप्नशीताम्बुश्लैष्मिकस्तन्यसेविनः ॥ ४४ ॥

शिशो: कफेन रुद्धेषु स्रोतःसु रसवाहिषु । अरोचकः प्रतिश्यायो ज्वरः कासश्च जायते ॥ ४५ ॥

कुमारः शुष्यति ततः स्निग्धशुक्लमुखेक्षणः ।

Sleeping too much during day, drinking cold water, drinking breast-milk vitiated by slesma (kapha)-by these the channels of rasa ( first fluid tissue ) gets blocked by kapha. Then the child develops loss of taste/appetite, nasal catarrah, fever, cough; the child becomes emaciated with its face and eyes being unctuous (greasy) and white. 44b-46a.

सैन्धवव्योषशाङ्गेष्टापाठागिरिकदम्बकान् ॥ ४६ ॥

शुष्यतो मधुसर्पिर्ध्यामरुच्यादिषु योजयेत् । अशोकरोहिणीयुक्तं पञ्चकोलं च चूर्णितम् ॥ ४७॥

बदरीधातकीधात्रीचूर्णं वा सर्पिषा द्रुतम् ।

(Powder of) saindhava, vyosa sarngesta, patha and girikadambaka, mixed with honey and ghee should be given to the emaciated child having loss of taste etc.

Powder of pancakola along with asokarohini or the powder of badari, dhataki and dhatri boiled in ghee should be given soon. 46b-48a.

स्थिरावचाद्विबृहतीकाकोलीपिप्पलीनतैः ॥ ४८ ॥

निचुलोत्पलवर्षाभूभर्गीमुस्तैश्च कार्षिकैः । सिद्धं प्रस्थार्धमाज्यस्य स्त्रोतसां शोधनं परम् ॥ ४९ ॥

सिंह्यश्वगन्धासुरसाकणागर्भं च तद्गुणम्।

Medicated ghee prepared with one karsa, each of sthira, vaca, the two brhati, kakoli, pippali, nata, nicula, utpala, varsabhu, bharngi, and musta ( made into decotion ) half prastha of ghee is best to clear the channels. That (medicated ghee) containing / prepared with simhi, asvagandha, surasa and kana possesses the same properties. 48b-50a.

यष्ट्याह्वपिप्पलीरोध्रपद्मकोत्पलचन्दनैः तालीससारिवाभ्यां च साधितः शोषजिद् घृतम् ।

Medicated ghee prepared with yasthvahva, pippali, rodhra, padmaka, utpala, candana, talisa and sariva cures emaciation. 50b-51a. ॥५०॥

शृङ्गीमधूलिकाभार्गीपिप्पलीदेवदारुभिः अश्वगन्धाद्विकाकोलीरास्त्रर्षभकजीवकैः । ॥५१॥

शूर्पपर्णीविडङ्गैश्च कल्कितैः साधितं घृतम् ॥५२॥

शशोत्तमाङ्गनिर्यूहे शुष्यतः पुष्टिकृत्परम् |

Medicated ghee prepared with decoction of the head of a rabbit, added with the paste of Srngi, madhulika, bharngi, pippali, devadaru, asvagandha, the two kakoli, rasna, rsabhaka, jivaka, surpaparni and vidanga ( and ghrta / ghee ) is best to nourish the child, becoming emaciated. 51b-53a.

वचावयःस्थातगरकायस्थाचोरकैः बस्तमूत्रसुराभ्यां च तैलमभ्यञ्जने शृतम् ॥ ५३॥ हितम् ।

Medicated oil prepared with the decoction of vaca, vayastha, tagara, kayastha and coraka, with the addition of goat’s urine and sura-is beneficial for massaging and bath.

Laksadi taila

लाक्षारससमं तैलप्रस्थं मस्तु चतुर्गुणम् ॥५४॥

अश्वगन्धानिशादारुकौन्तीकुष्ठाब्दचन्दनैः समूर्वारोहिणीरास्त्राशताह्वामधुकैः । समैः ॥५५॥

सिद्धं लाक्षादिकं नाम तैलमभ्यञ्जनादिदम् । बल्यं ज्वरक्षयोन्मादश्वासापस्मारवातनुत् ॥ ५६ ॥

यक्षराक्षसभूतघ्नं गर्भिणीनां च शस्यते ।

Medicated oil prepared with one prastha of taila (sesame oil) equal quantity of solution of laksa, four times that quantity of mastu (water of curds), equal quantity of decoction of equal parts of asvagandha, nisa, daru, kaunti, kustha, abda, candana, murva, rohini, rasna, satahva and madhuka is known as Laksadi taila. Used for massage and bath, it bestows strength, cures fever, consumption, insanity, dyspnoea, epilepsy and mitigates vata and wards off yaksa, raksasa and bhutas (all are evil spirits). It is good even for pregnant women. 54b-57a.

मधुनाऽतिविषाशृङ्गीपिप्पलीर्लेहयेच्छिशुम् ॥५७॥ एकां वाऽतिविषां कासज्वरछर्दिरुपद्रुतम् ।

The child suffering from cough, fever and vomiting should be made lick the powder of ativisa, srngi and pippali mixed with honey or the powder of ativisa alone. 57b-58a.

पीतं पीतं वमति यः स्तन्यं तं मधुसर्पिषा ॥ ५८ ॥

द्विवार्ताकीफलरसं पञ्चकोलं च लेहयेत् । पिप्पलीपञ्चलवणं कृमिजित्पारिभद्रकम् ॥ ५९ ॥

तद्वल्लिह्यात्तथा व्योषं मषीं वा रोमचर्मणाम् । लाभतः शल्यकश्वाविनोधर्क्षशिखिजन्मनाम् ॥ ६० ॥

The child which vomits the milk every time it drinks, should be made to lick the juice of the two vartaki and (powder of) pancalavana, krmijit paribhadraka may be licked; similarly, the ash of vyosa, hairs and skin of sallaka (porcupine) svavid (hedgehog) godha ( iguana lizard ) riksa ( bear ) or sikhi (peacock) whichever is available. 58b-60.

खदिरार्जुनतालीसकुष्ठचन्दनजे रसे।

सक्षीरं साधितं सर्पिर्वमथुं विनियच्छति ॥ ६१ ॥

Medicated ghee prepared with the decoction of khadira, arjuna, talisa, kustha and candana, along with milk cures vomting. 61.

( हनुमूळगतो वायुर्दन्तदेशास्थिगोचरः।

यदा शिशो: प्रकुपितो नोत्तिष्ठन्ति तदा द्विजाः ॥ १ ॥

रूक्षाशिनो वातिकस्य चालयत्यनिलः शिराः । हन्वाश्रयाः प्रसुप्तस्थ दन्तैः शब्दं करोत्यतः ॥ २ ॥

(Vayu (vata) located at the root of the lower jaw moving (functioning ) in the region of the bones of the teeth, when aggravated in children who consume foods which increase vata and in children of vata constitution, causes movement of the siras (veins); because of this children grind their teeth during sleep.). 1-2.

sadanta janma

सदन्तो जायते यस्तु दन्ताः प्राग्यस्य चोत्तराः । कुर्वीत तस्मिन्नुत्पाते शान्तिं तं च द्विजातये ॥ ६२ ॥

दद्यात्सदक्षिणं बालं नैगमेषं च पूजयेत् ।

The child which is born with erupted teeth, or the child which develops teeth first in the upper jaw-in both cases a santi (propitiatory rite) should be performed; the child should be gifted along with daksina (money) to the twice born (brahmana) and naigamesa ( an evil spirit) should be worshipped. 62-63a.


तालुमांसे कफः क्रुद्धः कुरुते तालुकण्टकम् ॥ ६३ ॥

तेन तालुप्रदेशस्य निम्नता मूर्ध्नि जायते । तालुपात: स्तनद्वेषः कृच्छ्रात्पानं शकृद्रवम् ॥ ६४ ॥

तृडास्यकण्ड्वक्षिरुजा ग्रीवादुर्धरता वमिः ।

Kapha getting increased in the muscles of the palate, produces the disease Talukantaka. In this, there is depression on the skull at the region of the palate, aversion to the breast, diffculty in suckling, elimination of watery faeces, thirst, irritation in the mouth, pain in the eyes, inability to hold the neck straight and vomiting. 63b-65a.

तत्रोत्क्षिप्य यवक्षारक्षौद्राभ्यां प्रतिसारयेत् ॥ ६५ ॥

तद्वत्कणाशुण्ठीगोशकृद्रससैन्धवैः तालु शृङ्गबेरनिशाभृङ्गं कल्कितं वटपल्लवैः ॥६६॥

बध्वा गोशकृता लिप्तं कुकूले स्वेदयेत्ततः । रसेन लिम्पेत्ताल्वास्यं नेत्रे च परिषेचयेत् ॥ ६७॥

For that, the palate should be elevated and smeared with yavaksara mixed with honey or powder of kana sunthi, saindhava mixed with the juice of fresh cowdung.

The bolus of the paste of srngavera, nisa and bhriga coverd with tender leaves of vata, given a coating of cowdung and subjected to cooking in a burning heap of husk. It is later removed and juice taken out from the paste. It is applied to the palate and poured into the eyes. 65b-67.

हरीतकीवचाकुष्ठकल्कं माक्षिकसंयुतम् । पीत्वा कुमारः स्तन्येन मुच्यते तालुकण्टकात् ॥ ६८ ॥

Paste of haritaki, vaca and kustha added with honey and consumed along with breast-milk; by this the child gets cured of talukantaka. 68.

Guda vrana

मलोपलेपात्स्वेदाद्वा गुदे रक्तकफोद्भवः । ताम्रो व्रणोऽन्तः कण्डूमान् जायते भूर्युपद्रवः ॥ ६९ ॥

केचित्तं मातृकादोषं वदन्त्यन्येऽहिपूतनम् । पृष्टारुर्गुदकुट्टं च केचिच्च तमनामिकम् ॥ ७० ॥

Either due to coating/sticking of the faeces or of sweat, ulcers arising from rakta (blood) and kapha which are coppery in colour, itching accompanied with many complications/secondary diseases, develop inside the rectum of the child. Some authorities call this as Matrka dosa, some others as Ahiputana yet others as Prstaru, Gudakutt and even as Anamaka. 69-70.

तत्र धात्र्याः पयः शोध्यं पित्तश्लेष्महरौषधैः ।

In this disease, breastmilk of the mother should be purified by use of drugs which mitigate pitta and slesma (Kapha). 7la.

शृतशीतं च शीताम्बुयुक्तमन्तरपानकम् ॥ ७१ ॥

सक्षौद्रतार्थ्यशैलेन व्रणं तेन च लेपयेत् । त्रिफलाबदरीप्लक्षत्वक्क्वाथपरिषेचितम् ॥७२॥

कासीसरोचनातुत्थमनोह्वालरसाञ्जनैः लेपयेदम्लपिष्टैर्वा सुश्लक्ष्णैरथवा । चूर्णितैर्वाऽवचूर्णयेत् ॥ ७३ ॥

यष्टीशङ्खसौवीरकाञ्जनैः। सारिवाशङ्खनाभिभ्यामसनस्य त्वचाऽथवा ॥ ७४ ॥

रागकण्डूत्कटे कुर्याद्रक्तस्त्रावं जलौकसा । सर्वं च पित्तब्रणजिच्छस्यते गुदकुट्टके ॥ ७५ ॥

Water boiled and cooled, and made still more cold with addition of tarksyasaila mixed with honey should be used as a drink and also for application to the rectal ulcer. The rectum should be bathed by pouring the decoction triphala, barks of badari and plaksa, then either the paste of kasisa, rocana, tuttha, manohva, ala and rasanjana macerated with any sour liquid should be applied; or the nice powder of these should be sprinkled over the ulcer; or the powder of yasthi, sankha, sauvirakanjana; or of sariva sankhanabhi or of bark of asana (may be sprinkled); when redness and itching are severe, blood should be let out by using leeches. All treatments prescribed for the cure of ulcer of pitta origin are beneficial in gudakutta. 71b-75

Mrut bhaksanaja roga cikitsa

पाठावेल्लद्विरजनीमुस्तभार्गीपुनर्नवैः सबिल्वत्र्यूषणैः सर्पिर्वृश्चिकालीयुतैः शृतम् ॥ ७६॥

लिहानो मात्रया रोगैर्मुच्यते मृत्तिकोद्भवैः । Medicated ghee prepared with the decoction of pathavella the two rajani, musta, bharigi, punarnava, bilva tryusana and vrscikali-licked in appropriate doses cures the child of diseases produced by eating mud. 76-77a

व्याधेर्यद्यस्य भैषज्यं स्तनस्तेन प्रलेपितः । स्थितो मुहूर्तं धौतोऽनु पीतस्तं तं जयेद्गदम् ॥ ७७॥

The durgs which cure specific diseases should be applied (in the form of juice or nice paste) over the breasts of the mother, allowed to remain there for a muhurta (48 minutes) and then washed. The child made to suckle milk from that breast gets cured of the concerned diseases. 77b-78.

इति श्रीवैद्यपतिसिंहगुप्तसूनुश्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां षष्ठे उत्तरस्थाने बालामयप्रतिषेधो नाम द्वितीयोऽध्यायः ॥ २ ॥

Thus ends the chapter-Balamaya pratisedha-the second in Uttarasthana of Astanga hrdaya samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.


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