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ashtanga hridayaSwedana Vidhi : स्वेदन विधि अध्याय Sudation Therapy - Sweating Ashtanga Hridaya...

Swedana Vidhi : स्वेदन विधि अध्याय Sudation Therapy – Sweating Ashtanga Hridaya Sutrasthan Chapter 17

Swedana method will be explained in this section. Swedana is a reference to sweating or therapy for sweating. The word Sweda refers to sweat. Patients are made to sweat in order to achieve. The procedure is typically performed after the oleation therapy (Snehakarma) which we have studied in the last chapter.

Swedana Prakara – Types of sweating treatment

Swedana Prakara - swedana types - Types of sweating treatment - Chaturvidha sweda
Swedana Prakara swedana types Types of sweating treatment

Types of Swedana

1. Tapa– fermentation,
2. Upanaha– warm poultice,
3. Ushma – Warm steam and
4. Drava – Pouring warm liquid.

Tapa Sweda

Tapa Sweda
Tapa Sweda

Tapa Sweda

Tapa Sweda is achieved by rubbing the affected area of the body with a heated cloth and metal plates on forehead, palm of the hand etc. 1

Upanaha Swedana

Upanaha Swedana
Upanaha Swedana

Upanaha Swedana

Upanaha Sweda is the application of poultice/ Paste derived from
Vacha (Acorus Calamus) Kinva-yeast, Shatahva (Dill),
Devadaru – (Himalayan cedar (bark) – Cedrus deodara) etc. any type of grain that have a pleasant scent, including the root from Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata) and Castor (Eranda) as well as meat;

Materials used for upanaha sweda
Materials used for upanaha sweda

Each one is seasoned with salt and fats oil, ghee, etc. Chukra- Vinegar Takra-Buttermilk and milk

In the increase of vata that is associated with kapha and sleshma drugs of surasaadi,

In the rise of vata in conjunction with pitta drug of padmakadi.

It is a favorite among those who suffer from Vata imbalance. These are referred to as Salvana upanaha . They should be used frequently. 2-3

When the poultice is applied the body part must be wrapped with a gentle leather that doesn't have a bad smell and has been oiled.
When the poultice is applied the body part must be wrapped with a gentle leather that doesnt have a bad smell and has been oiled.

When the poultice is applied the body part must be wrapped with a gentle leather that doesn’t have a bad smell and has been oiled. It should be warmed up and tied
If leather isn’t available leaves of plants (eg Eranda patra) that can balance Vata or silk cloth or woolen cloth can be used.

Upanaha swedana time

Upanaha swedana time
Upanaha swedana time

the poultice tied at night must be taken off during the day, and that that is tied during the day must be taken off at night.4-5

Ushma Sweda

Ushma Sweda
Ushma Sweda

Ushma Sweda

The steam of heated substance flows toward the body’s part. Steam can be obtained through Utkarikain in the form of (boiling grains seeds, pulses, pulses, etc.).
Stones pebbles, mud grains, pieces of leaves dried dung from animals such as sheep, cow Goat, etc Sand, Husk, etc. are all utilized to achieve this goal. 6-7 a

Drava Sweda

Drava Sweda
Drava Sweda

Drava sweda

Warm liquid is made by boiling leaves of drumsticks, Varanaka Eranda (Castor Ricinus communis), Karanja, Surasa, Arjaka, Shireesa, Vasa, Vamsha, Arka, Malati (Jasmine) or Dirghvrinta and vachadigana drugs – see chapter 15: meat of animals from Marshy land, and people living in water, and drugs of Dashamula, each either alone or combined with fats

oil, ghee etc. suitable for the Dosha;
Sura-beer, Sukta- fermented gruel and milk.

The liquid that is medicated should be poured into a pots, jugs with spouts or a tube. It should be poured slowly and gradually over the painful area, then wrapped in a cloth. 7b-10

Vata drava sweda
Vata drava sweda

In the event of Vata which affects the entire body, the treated water can be poured into a tub, and the patient is forced to sit down this procedure can be utilized by laying it out in piles, Dysuria etc.11

Swedavidhi – the procedure of sweating :

Swedavidhi - the procedure of sweating
Swedavidhi the procedure of sweating

Swedavidhi – the procedure of Sweating therapy

The practice of swedana should be prescribed to those who have been provided with Snehana both internally through drinking fats, and externally by applying oil to the body. The person is in a room that is not cooled and the food has been taken in. 12 a

Mild moderate strong swedana

Mild moderate strong swedana
Mild moderate strong swedana

It can be moderate, mild, or intense, depending on the severity of the illness, patient as well as the environment, and the season. 12b

Swedana in Kapha Dosha

Swedana in Kapha dosha
Swedana in Kapha

Anyone suffering from ailments related to Kapha should receive sweating treatment when the conditions are dry.-

Without the use of externally or internally applied fat and also with dry liquid without the addition of fats.

swedana in kapha and vata
swedana in kapha and vata

If you suffer from Kapha and Vata that are combined, the patient must be dry as well as liquid fats are recommended for sweating. 13 a

Localized vata in amashaya swedana

If Vata is located in Amashaya, stomach then dry sweating must be treated.
If Kapha is found to be located within Pakvasaya(or intestines), (intestines) Oil-sweating must be administered. 13b-14

aswedana on eyes scrotum and heart

swedana on eyes scrotum and heart
swedana on eyes scrotum and heart

The sweating should be mild and nil on the groins as well as around the eye, scrotum, and heart. 14b

Swedana phala and Upacana : The benefits of sweating Therapy

Benefits of sweating treatment

Swedana phala and Upacana : The benefits of sweating Therapy
Benefits of sweating treatment

Reduction in pain, cold and tenderness of the organs result through sweating. The body afterward should be massaged gently, then given bathing in warm water, and then allowed to rest according to the instructions in the snehana therapy.15

Ati Swedana Phla – the results of excessive sweating Effects of excess Sweating

Ati Swedana phala – effects of excess Sweating
Ati Swedana phala – effects of excess Sweating

Ati Swedana phala – effects of excess Sweating

The aggravation process of Pitta and the vitiation of blood
Thirst and loss of consciousness. weakening of the body and voice,
Bhrama – Delusion, Dizziness
Sandhipeeda – joint pain,
Jvara – the appearance of red areas on your skin and vomiting is caused in excess by the treatment with sweating;
In this case, Stambhana treatment should be performed. The same treatment is which is beneficial in diarrhea and bleeding disorders.

Treatment of AtiSwedana :

Treatment of AtiSwedana

Treatment of AtiSwedana

Stopping, withholding, or preventing in the elimination process is the remedy as well for those suffering from poison or acidic Alkali and Barding caused by free, Diarrhea, vomiting, unconsciousness. 16-17

Qualities of Svedana and Stambhana Dravyas:

Qualities of Svedana and Stambhana Dravyas
Qualities of Svedana and Stambhana Dravyas

Qualities of Svedana and Stambhana Dravyas

Most commonly, substances that are penetrating, heavy and hot in their potency are utilized in Swedana therapy. The use of substances that are opposite is in Sthambhana (withholding hindering factors to elimination)
Drugs that are liquid, stain-mobile, static dry, unctuous, and penetrated cause sweating.

The ones that are dry, smooth thin, mobile and sweet, bitter, and sweet in flavor are typically Stambhana 18-19

stambhana drugs are useful in

stambhana is useful in

Stambhana can be beneficial in diarrhea as well as bleeding disorders treatment people gain Strength and are relieved of the symptoms of excessive sweating. 20a

The signs of an excess Sthambana –

Symptoms of excess Sthambana
Symptoms of excess Sthambana

Symptoms of excess Sthambana

The tendons and skin are contracted and tendons, tremors, stiffness in regions of the heart, choke of voice, jaw locked dark discoloration of lips, feet, and hands. 20-21a

ASwedayah Persons Unsuitable to Swedana therapy:

ASwedayah – persons Unsuitable for Sweating
ASwedayah – persons Unsuitable for Sweating

ASwedayah – persons Unsuitable for Sweating

Atirooksha – very dry
Durbala – weak, debilitated
Murchita fainted, was unconscious
If you are a candidate to undergo the Sthambhana treatment
Kshataksheena Kshataksheena – injured.
Patients suffering from Ama condition,
Madyavikari – chronic alcohol users
Night blindness,
Visarpa – herpes
Shosha – emaciated
people who recently drank milk and fat, curds,
People who just had Virechana treatment
Who is burned,
Are you tired and grieving, angry or fear, excessive exhaustion and hunger, Kamala liver disorders
Pandu Anemia
Meha is a urinary disorder
People who suffer from Pitta imbalance.

females who have been pregnant are menstruating during their periods, and who have had babies – recently . If there are emergency conditions this should be done lightly – as for the previous. 21-24

People who are entitled to Swedana Svedyah

Persons who deserve Swedana – Svedyah
Persons who deserve Swedana – Svedyah

Persons who deserve Swedana – Svedyah

Shwasa Shwasa dysnoea, COPD, Asthma
Kasa – cough
Pratishyaya – nose running allergy rhinitis Hidhma, the hiccup

Adhmana – bloating
Vibandha – constipation
Svarabheda – Hoarseness, altered voice
Vatavyadhi – the diseases that result from Vata imbalance
Angamarda – bodyache
stiffness in the lower back and flanks, as well as the back jaws, and stomach
an increase in the size of the scrotum, the contractions of fingers and toes dysuria, tetanus-related sprains and malignant tumors, benign tumors, obstruction of the flow of urine and semen, and Adhyamaruta Thigh stiffness. 25-27

Niragni Sweda – Sweating in the absence of the fire source

Niragni Sweda – Sweating without fire source
Niragni Sweda – Sweating without fire source

Niragni Sweda – Sweating without fire source

Sweating with no source of fire is a good option for diseases of vata encased in Medas or Kapha.  Nivata sadana – Keeping in airtight space,
Ayasa is a physical exercise that causes stress,
Gurupravarana means covering oneself with large blankets Bhaya – fear,
Upanaha Bandaging wraps with cloths and other materials. Fighting, wrestling
Krodha – anger
Bhuripana is the excessive consumption of water Kshudha – avoiding hunger
Atapa – Sun exposure – 28-29a

Sweda Phala – The effects of Sweating :

Sweda phala – Effects of Sweating

Sweda phala – Effects of Sweating
Sweda phala – Effects of Sweating

Doshas that have been lubricated with oleation therapy found within the digestive tract tissues, or hiding within the channels of the bones of the extremities, etc. are liquefied through treatment with sweating, and brought into the alimentary canal, to be cleared out of the body completely by suitable purification therapies.

Thus, sweating occurs after oleation but prior to the elimination of Doshas through Panchakarma. 30

This concludes the chapter Swedavidhi seventeenth chapter of Sutrasthana of Astangahrdaya Samhita.

FAQ’s of Swedana Vidhi Adhyaya

  1. what are the types of swedana?

    1. Tapa, 2. Upanaha, 3.Ushma, 4.Drava

  2. what is tapa swedana?

    rubbing affected area with heated cloth and metal plates on forehead, palm etc

  3. what is upanaha swedana?

    Dravys eg. Nirgundi,Eranda etc made into paste and heat and fry with oil e.g Narayana Taila and apply over affacted part. then cloth is wrapped over and mild nadi swedana is given.

  4. What is the ideal duration for upanaha swedana?

    tied over night till morning and morning till night.

  5. what is ushma sweda?

    steam of heated substance is applied over affacted body part.

  6. what is drava sweda?

    warm liquids from boiling drumsticks,eranda etc applied over affected area.

  7. which are the body parts where swedana has not to be performed?

    eyes, scrotum and heart.

  8. what is ati swedana treatment?

    Same treatment given as for diarrhea and bleeding disorders. eg stambhana chikitsa.


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